Kode Kelas: ENIE605028

Nama Dosen: Prof. Dr. M. Dachyar

Tujuan Pembelajaran: Memahami peran sistem informasi manajemen dan teknologi informasi pada industri saat ini untuk menghadapi era globalisasi.

Silabus: Pengantar Sistem Informasi Manajemen. MIS/IT Sebagai Keunggulan kompetitif. IT and Electronic Commerce. Database dan Database Manajemen. System Analysis and Design. MIS dan Hubungannya dengan RQM dan QS. CBIS. Accounting Information System. Decision Support System. Executive Information System. Marketing, Manufacturing Information System. Financial, Human Resource Information System.

Buku Ajar:

1. McLeod, Management Information System, 10th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003

2. Lucas, Information Systems Concepts for Management, McGraw-Hill, 1994 (referensi)


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My name is Hasnan Yusa Khilqan, you can call me yusa, I'm a third-year Industrial Engineering student at the University of Indonesia. As an Industrial Engineering student, I am well equipped with important knowledge related to business science, industrial organization, quality systems, and accounting. I have achieved several achievements during college, including being a finalist in the national management competition and the third runner-up in the National Business Case Competition. I have a career interest in Sales Strategy and Planning Division and am proficient in using Microsoft Office Tools and Python programming language.

I like watching movies and playing games in my free time, but this pandemic situation makes time almost free time lol. I'm just trying to get better every day in this life and give benefit to the other. So maybe if you read this blog u can get benefit from me. Thank you for visiting my blog, hope you like it.